My recent mixed media artwork is entitled: After The Storm, which is a continuation of a series from 2012 I called Gleanings.
Gleanings originated from incorporating metal washers, nuts, plates and other metal debris that I found along streets and highways. My intention was to take what was serendipitous and unplanned (discarded or unintentionally lost) and combine it with an intentionally planned and organized theme, of rebuilding and renewing for a greater purpose.
After The Storm picks-up where Gleanings became a life interrupted. In 2012 I had a stroke and was subsequently diagnosed with aphasia, a language disorder. Physical limitations were also part of the event. After a year of rehabilitation, I had to relearn a different way of interacting with my creative process.
This work reflects a process of creation that began with no plan and no message, but rather the simple act of sitting in my studio and starting somewhere to see where the journey through art would take me. My purpose was to create; to reengage with my artwork through an intuitive process, and to find my voice through art once again.
The journey through this body of work has given me the desire and inspiration to begin moving towards creating some of my former styles of artwork.